Brad Spurgeon's Blog

A world of music, auto racing, travel, literature, chess, wining, dining and other crazy thoughts….

Finding Warmth in the Cold Night at the Café Oz Denfert Open Mic

December 29, 2014

Café Oz Paris

Café Oz Paris

PARIS – Winter finally came to Paris, the temperature was below zero – or certainly felt like it! – and on a Sunday night I could not imagine finding life, warmth or music in any of the open mics.

It turned out I found all three and more at the Café Oz Denfert open mic, finding myself not only surrounded by musicians at this great relatively new open mic – with the former MC from the Tennessee Bar, James Iansiti – but also finding a very big audience of spectators and imbibers all coming in from the cold to take in the music and drink some warming alcohol.

There were a few surprises amongst the musicians, including one whose really cool songs I have written about in years past, but who dislikes having videos put up on my site, so I won’t say anything more on that. But there were some regulars as well, like the fabulous Alvaro, who turned his set into a jam, as well as at least one person who came without musicians but managed to band them all together for a few popular and well-received songs….

I played around five or six songs, mostly covers, and then left as quickly as I arrived, back into the cold. Cold. Cold.

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