Brad Spurgeon's Blog

A world of music, auto racing, travel, literature, chess, wining, dining and other crazy thoughts….

Good Vintage Bonheur

January 9, 2013

That’s a weird and atypical post headline, but last night at the Ptit Bonheur la Chance was sort of atypical too. It was not absolutely bursting full of people, as January can be slightly more quiet as a month for open mics in Paris. But it did have a healthy crowd and a healthy crop of musicians. Or rather, no, not particularly healthy. January is a good month to get ill in Paris, and I think I caught a cold from the mic at the Bonheur last night and may not be playing for a few nights hence. :-(((( But perhaps I should. Wayne Standley last night had a terrible cold and did one of his best ever performances!

There were a few other very good performances as well. I tried to do some different songs than usual, doing my song “Lara, Lara,” doing the “Raggle Taggle Gypsies,” and doing my song, “Sing It,” which somehow sounds like a protest song written in the early 1960s, although I never intended that.

Then also atypically, everyone cleared out of the bar really quickly after the open mic ended, and I found myself alone as a customer in the bar and I pulled out my guitar and played a song all alone… and Yaco did a video of this alone moment, although I don’t know if I will – or want to – see it. The bar perhaps emptied out as I may have been sending out signals that I was the next victim of a winter cold….

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